jamestraer.com - James Traer

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I am professor at the University of Iowa and Principle Investigator of the Laboratory for Ecological Inference . My research focusses on how humans infer properties of their physical environment from complex sensory stimuli. But I am broadly interested in the messy collision of psychology, neuroscience, physics, mathematics, and philosophy that accompanies any attempt to explain the interaction of minds, brains, and environments. I am comfortable in a state of confusion.

In former lives I was a professional oceanographer, a half-decent musician, and a terrible-but-enthusiastic surfer. These days I mostly just read. But occasionally I am an aspiring gardener and naturalist, a curmudgeonly-proponent of free software , and a terrible-but-enthusiastic cross-country skier.

The Laboratory for Ecological Inference is hiring graduate students and post-docs. Email me for more information.

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