jamiemadigan.ca - BeaconPoint Financial Security Limited -

Description: Financial Security Advisors and Investment Representatives representing Canada Life Quadrus Investment Services Ltd offer information on investments, mutual funds, and financial security planning.

financial advisor (2215) london life (27) freedom 55 financial (25) investment representative (25) quadrus investments (24) canada life (23)

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Jamie is a licensed Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who takes a client-first approach to helping his clients protect what matters most to them with their family, their health, their businesses and their health and wealth.

The world of investment and insurance products can be very complicated. While we all want to enjoy our retirement and have the finances to do the things we want to do, many people don’t get down to the level of really exploring what it is they want or how they’re going to make sure they can get it. Using an education-first approach, Jamie takes as long as needed to fully explore and understand his client’s retirement goals. He helps create comprehensive investment strategies to make sure they’re on track an

While he works with people at all stages of their life investment and retirement planning, Jamie most enjoys helping people nearer the beginning of their journeys so they can build a solid financial security foundation and to help them fully understand how their investments are performing.