Description: Short Hill Studios
moose (227) cedar bird feeders (4) moose decor (4) shorthill studio (3) copper bird feeders (3) new england style bird feeders (3) decorative bird feeders (3) new hampshire crafts (3) yankee crafts (3) moose sculpture (3)
We love old houses and old tools! Butler Restorations specializes in careful repairs and thoughtful updating of antique homes in south-central New Hampshire while Timeless Tools offers quality authentic tools for traditional trades. We specialize in analyzing and solving challenges in historic structures such as fitting modern conveniences, repairing weak foundations, replacing odd-sized doors and windows, and other projects to increase the joy of owning an older home. Mike Butler also designs and builds cu
Jane Butler is now one of the select group of professionals nationwide to earn the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) designation indentifying her as a designer with the skills and knowledge necessary to remodel or modify a home to meet the unique needs of the older population, disabled owers or their visitors.
Butler Restorations is now accredited by BBB