janechiodini.co.uk - Jane Chiodini - Travel Health Specialist Nurse

Description: Jane Chiodini - the one stop shop for healthcare professionals with essential travel health and medicine information and resources

Example domain paragraphs

When I originally established my website I wanted to provide healthcare professionals with essential Travel Medicine information and resources. Thanks to improvements in technology and the range of resources available I’m happy to say there is now a wealth of accessible information. The aim now is to provide a “one-stop-shop” for information for travel health consultations. However if you’re not sure what travel medicine is all about, click on the image below for E learning in the ‘Quick Links’ section at t

Ensure you make the best use of the help this website provides!  Go to the menu at the very top of the page and hover the ‘mouse’ over each topic – for example, the tab ‘Education’ also includes a page providing information on malaria; a number of videos are found under the ‘Tools’ tab; there’s a large number of resources under the ‘Help’ tab and ‘Links’ tab contains lists of numerous resources.

Whilst my experience lies in a GP surgery, if you are a healthcare professional working in one of the settings mentioned, and find it hard to find the time to keep updated, then I hope these tools and resources will help to make your working life in travel health that little bit easier!

Links to janechiodini.co.uk (5)