janedsouza.xyz - Jane Dsouza

Description: An engineer who loves to solve problems, code and sing!

software (33936) learning (5464) engineer (3177) machine (1552) problem (435) microservices (209) jane (201) solver (93) dsouza (3) anaida (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Hello! I'm Jane, a Mumbai-based Principal Engineer, currently working for ConnectWise, India . I love to code. Data Structures & Analysis of Algorithms are my subjects of interest. However, if I'm spending my time away from computers, you'd very often find me singing and playing the keyboard . Interacting with people on matters related to Software, Music & Productivity, makes me happy.

As for my background, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai, India . I'm a Full Stack Developer with a little over three years of experience building User Interfaces using React and microservices in Golang . I am also a backend developer for Skim - A Spotify for ML Papers . You can find my research preprint describing my work on the same.

I intend to use this little space of mine on the web to share what I learn. If you think I could be of any help to you, feel free to reach me through the links above.