janthonytorino.blog - J Anthony Torino – The Manifest

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The Manifest

In previous blogs, I described two examples where Nostradamus indirectly referenced the Comet 73(P) Schwassmann-Wachmann; first in quatrain 2-15 and then in 10-50. In 2-15 he describes its movement across the heavens and in 10-50 he describes the “three” being found with Saturn in the urn by an observatory. How does “three” pertain to the comet, you’re probably asking? 73(P) Schwassmann-Wachmann is also known as Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. 

Upon the realization that Nostradamus was using stars, planets,the constellations, and other heavenly body references as clues to SW3’s whereabouts and future, I began searching his quatrains for anything that could lead me to find additional affirmations, even if the references were on the fringe and subject to the interpretation of the reader.