japancidercup.com - Japan Cider Cup Tasting Competition & International Event

Description: The Japan Cider Cup is a people's choice awards tasting competition and international cider event produced by inCiderJapan.

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The Japan Cider Cup was launched in November 2022 by inCiderJapan , creating the country’s premier people’s choice awards tasting competition and international cider event.

The tasting competition segment of the Japan Cider Cup is open to all domestic cider producers and importers, and also accepts international entries. Entered ciders are scored across multiple rounds of judging by various members of the general public in Japan, food and drink professionals, and notable guest cider experts from across the globe. Winners are announced and awarded prizes at the Japan Cider Cup event in April of the following year.

In addition to the awards ceremony, the Japan Cider Cup event offers attendees the opportunity to taste and purchase some of the winning ciders as well as buy from a collection of vendors whose products range from ciders, beers, food, and more. The event also features live entertainment, fun things to do, and is children friendly.

Links to japancidercup.com (8)