jaroslawzelinski.biz - Jaroslaw Zelinski IT-Consulting - Business Systems Consulting & Training

Description: Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Unified Modeling Language (OOAD with UML), Business Process Management and Business Modeling with BPMN and SBVR. Software requirements - model driven approach. Business Analyst. System Designer.

Example domain paragraphs

In this place, I have been col­lect­ing some speaks about the SysML lan­guage. It is ori­gin from UML (it is a UML pro­file). SysML is the main MBSE meth­od we Read the rest of this page »

This study presents a meth­od for the stor­age of data organ­ized in digit­al doc­u­ments, which is proven in prac­tice. The dis­cussed meth­od does not bear any dis­ad­vant­ages of the rela­tion­al Read the rest of this page »

OMG.org notations: BMM, BPMN, SBVR.

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