jazzy.id.au - all that jazz

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This month is a month of mixed emotions for me.

It is my 10 year anniversary of working at Lightbend, then Typesafe. I’ve loved working for Lightbend, I certainly would not still be working here if I didn’t. I almost passed up the opportunity. At the time Typesafe contacted me I was living in Germany, but I was about to return to Australia. I had taken one years leave without pay from Atlassian when I moved to Germany, and I was really looking forward to going back to Atlassian, it was and still is a great company.

Out of the blue I got an email from Typesafe asking if I’d like to work full time on Play Framework. I had been contributing to Play a lot in my spare time, and I ran the Berlin Play User Group. I was flattered at the offer, but I did a quick lookup of where Typesafe was based - San Francisco - and I really didn’t want to move to the US, so I politely declined, saying I was about to move back to Australia. The response was “we’re all remote, you can work in Australian if you want.”

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