jb-arts.co.uk - JB | Arts

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My name is James Bell. A creative with a passion for all things visual. I have worked with many companies and clients to produce digital and printed products ranging from logos & animated videos all the way to vintage arcade cabinet restorations. I’ve studied Creative Media since high school and pursued this path through college and university. I am extremely driven and take every one of my projects and assignments with great care and determination.

This is very a mixed medium piece created for my final university project. It was created using camera techniques, visual effect compositing and editing techniques to help showcase my abilities. The video was created to be a trailer for a TV show based on an idea I've had for years.

This animated short was created for a motion graphics segment in university. I was always very interested with the silhouette stlye animation and this project allowed me to explore that. Using Photoshop I was able to create a large range of assets and arranging them in 2.5D space in After Effects allowed to create a full environment to be animated.