jcdenison.com - Jcdenison.com

Description: Do we need a re-think? Discipleship, Kingdom, Movement, Jesus…What do these look like in Real Life? This site is my place to process these questions. Enjoy!

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The longer I am in ministry the more I realise that people live life in a state of worry and stress that is beyond what they will admit to experiencing.

It is THE modern epidemic... Anxiety. Our culture is literally rushing around trying to make things work in a world without God and His wisdom and it won't... so we rush faster!

I see this even more so in the upcoming generations. Canterbury is "a student city." There are 40,000 students that converge on Canterbury during term time and so many of them are living with unmanageable levels of stress and anxiety. And what is worse, is that most of them are doing so without the tools to help them cope. It is literally "killing" them.