jchurch.info - Aleph Tav Jerusalem Church

Description: The Jerusalem Church Movement, at its heart, is not another Church or Denomination, but a movement promoting the original Torah-Observant Nature, Basic Doctrines, and Faith of the Original Jerusalem Church and Early Churches as taught by Y'shua (Jesus) himself and the first disciples and apostles.

jesus (7887) torah (488) yeshua (234) yahweh (116) yahshua (71) yahushua (32) yahuah (12) yahusha (7)

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The Jerusalem Church Movement , at its heart, is not another church or denomination, but a movement promoting the original Torah-Observant Nature, Basic Doctrines, and Faith of the Original Jerusalem Church and Early Churches as taught by Y'shua (Jesus) and the first disciples and apostles.

The Followers of the God of Israel (YHVH) and Y'shua (Jesus) the Messiah of Israel are now more than ever Turning their Hearts Towards Home and setting their course back to the original and pure faith.  This Journey Home Must First Begin in our Heart.  And it is our prayer that we are the worthy Disciples of our Master Y'shua (Jesus) in having a genuine and pure Heart for our Heavenly Father and a Life Submitted to and Obedient to God's Word and Torah (God's Teachings).

We Welcome All who have already begun this Journey Home.  We Ask for your Prayers and Support in our common effort of Bringing All Home to the Original Faith in Y'shua (Jesus) and Obedience to Torah.  We are excited about the future work of this Holy Endeavor to restore what has been lost over the centuries.