jcohen.name - Jonathan M. Cohen

Example domain paragraphs

Parallel Graph Coloring with Applications to the Incomplete-LU Factorization on the GPU . Maxim Naumov, Patrice Castonguay, Jonathan Cohen. NVIDIA Tech Report 2015. [ project with link to paper ] [ GTC Talk ] [ proof of optimality of minmax algorithm (unpublished) ]

cuDNN: Efficient Primitives for Deep Learning . Sharan Chetlur, Cliff Woolley, Philippe Vandermersch, Jonathan Cohen, John Tran, Bryan Catanzaro, Evan Shelhamer. Deep Learning and Representation Learning Workshop (NIPS 2014). [ paper ] [ product page ]

NVBIO . GPU-Accelerated bioinformatics primitives library. Includes alignment, index building, and error correction tools. Incubated in NVIDIA's Emerging Applications group. Launched 2014. [ github ] [ product page ] [ Jacopo Pantaleoni's blog post ] [ GTC Talk 1 ] [ GTC Talk 2 ]

Links to jcohen.name (1)