jcshepard.com - JC Shepard(dot)com | Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Americana

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The jcshepard.com blog took a break this year as we worked out some technical details… and worked through the COVID-19 pandemic. We moved to New Mexico the first of the year, then went to work from home in March. August was a tough month personally with my mom passing on and with the site servers far far away. We saved the site (ahem, my beautiful web maven saved the site), but the page redirects are a work in progress! Who would have thought working from home would be so difficult, but the bandwidth gods f

Our top post this year is six years and three moves behind us now: Cheyenne-Laramie County, Wyoming, Historical Timeline . They cancelled Cheyenne Frontier Days this year. More important to our family, my daughter moved back to Cheyenne this year, had to postpone her wedding in Cheyenne, then moved back out of Cheyenne. Perhaps I will be back in Cheyenne in the coming year. We’ll see.

The most popular new post for 2020 was Absaroka County, New Mexico , posted from beautiful downtown Las Vegas, New Mexico, reporting on Sheriff Walt Longmire’s now shuttered office as the first round of pandemic shutdowns were (briefly) lifting.

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