Description: poetry by j matthew waters
battling winds & tide we do not need a new enemy one leaving us w/real-time bruises flashbacks refusing to fade away we live to fish & survive not to defend saltwater territory by raising arms or clenching fists provoked into protecting what is rightfully ours august two thousand twenty-three copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved
it was like any other day the sun rising in the east a blackbird on the second story windowsill pretending to be a rooster and so I awakened & rose to my feet prepared to dare as I also do going through the motions (as they say) early morning until noon it was then my pulse began to race the watch on my wrist telling me so beating ninety times per minute then one hundred one ten one twenty and so on & so forth dormant memories appeared out of nowhere visions before my very eyes —I reached out my hands to gr
I was told I was born with wings but my parents had them surgically removed They could not have been my parents I tell myself some thirty years later addressing the naked truth in front of a full length mirror turning one shoulder in while straining my neck sideways turning the other shoulder similarly straining my neck the other way august two thousand twenty-three copyright j matthew waters all rights reserved