- Voyage to Infinity with Whales and Dragons - dvd by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

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These films are active meditations... while you are mesmerized by traveling through these etherial and fantastic 3D sceneries, your right-brain / intuitive field ... is activated to explore and expand deeper into your own inner and creative potentials ... for New Beginnings.

“Transmuteo” is a 30 minute animated visual feast of the beautiful inner world of visionary artist, Jean-Luc Bozzoli. A French artist living in the Pacific Islands for the past 45 years, Jean-Luc has spent thousands of hours immersed in the holographic undersea world of wild dolphins and whales, sharing the visions and wisdoms awakened within him through his art... by feeling the multi-aspects of Nature. This DVD assists in shifting consciousness into this New Time/Space realm of Creative Experien

” the edge of our universe, this jeweler is working alchemy with light... is this garden you hope to see in your next life time...” Jim Channon Social Architect HOW

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