- Jeannette Sorrell – conductor

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Jeannette Sorrell

“Sorrell led superb voices and a stylish orchestra in a splendid performance.  Wonderful vitality… lithe, glowing and elegant. It’s difficult for a “Messiah” performance to stand out. But this one did.” – THE NEW YORK TIMES,   Anthony Tommasini, chief critic   (review of  Messiah  with New York Philharmonic ), 2021  ( read more )

“Sorrell is an absolute dynamo onstage and a pleasure to see conduct…. a force to be reckoned with. She brought the energy and creativity that… have granted her celebrity status within the early music world.  Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in G Minor…. was a thrilling experience.” – SAN FRANCISCO CLASSICAL VOICE (review with Philharmonia Baroque), 2019  ( read more)

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