- Jeet Biswas – Let's make a better tomorrow

Description: I'm a guy with simple tastes. Indian by birth and a global citizen from the heart. I was always interested in learning new things, which is why I chose engineering. Engineering life has taken me to places. Nowadays, I work on various environmental engineering and IoT projects. At Hochschule Darmstadt, we do research projects in…

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Let's make a better tomorrow

The entire cosmic creation begins from the point of the Pancha Bhutas or the 5 elements, according to Indian philosophy. They are Prithvi or Earth, Jal or Water, Agni or Fire, Vāyu or Air, and Akash or Space. Now, the first four elements contain five characteristics. They account for the five faculties of Shabda(sound), Sparsha(touch), … Continue reading "The Importance of Spaces"

The year 2022 was a year quite different from the last two years. 2020 was the year of Covid. Most people were experiencing a global pandemic for the first time. The primary damage was caused by the suddenness of the event. The effect of 2020 trickled into 2021, and the main damage was caused not … Continue reading "2022 : Chaos amidst new beginning"