- Motorsports films and books | Jeffrey Zani

Description: Documentary films directed by Jeffrey Zani: Scuderia Filibusta (2012) Morbidelli (2014, Duke Video) Il Mago Mancini (2020, Netflix, Prime Video) Books: Cafe Racers (2016, Giorgio Nada Editore), Italian Circus (2018, Giorgio Nada Editore)

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Da giornalista ha collaborato con testate come Rolling Stone, Vice, Riders, Cafè Racer, Motorrad e Sport Week 

Jeffrey Zani’s documentary films are moved by his fascination for what pushes people to challenge their limits and search for their freedom as a form of self-expression, especially in the world of motorsports. An award winner independent documentary producer and director, he’s the author of films that were featured by Netflix, Emirates Airlines and Alitalia

As a freelance journalist, he contributed to magazines such as Rolling Stone, Vice, Riders, Café Racer, Motorrad and Sport Week