- Therapy | Jenny Freedman Rainbow Psychology Services | New Zealand

Description: At Rainbow Psychology Services Jenny provides therapy and psychological services for individuals and couples with a range of issues. She specialises in mental health, addictions and trauma as well as gender and sexuality, working with LGBTQ and people in non traditional relationship structures such as polyamory.

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Therapy and psychological services for individuals, couples, relationships and professionals

Are you experiencing problems related to your emotional health, relationships or perhaps a major life change? Maybe you live rurally or for some reason it is hard to find a therapist or psychologist in your area.

I am a New Zealand registered Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working with a range of mental health and addiction issues as well as with trauma survivors.  I work with people who identify as heterosexual and with LGBTQA and have a passion for gender issues, sexuality and alternative relationship structures such as polyamory, open relationships and other forms of ethical non-monogamy.