Description: Contact information. Debra Gibson von Mandl, D.TCM #220 - 3195 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC CANADA V6H 3K2 Tel: (604) 733-8328
net (5745) acupuncture (3736) kinesiology (344) traditional chinese medicine (321) cra (169) naet (53) nmt (53) jmt (21) neurolink (8) autoimmune allergies (1)
Dr. Debra Gibson (von Mandl) , D.TCM This site provides education on treatment and preventative health using Chinese Medicine techniques.
Dr. Debra Gibson (von Mandl) , Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, maintains a general practice in Vancouver specializing in pain control, gynecology, addiction control and immune and allergy disorders with an emphasis on preventative health care. She is certified in JMT, NMT, NAET, NADA , NET, CRA, KHT, Neurolink and Cranio-sacral Therapy techniques. Practiced Techniques Including: acupuncture, acupressure, applied kinesiology, CRA, Neurolink, NAET, NMT, NET, Korean Hand Therapy, Chinese Herbal therapy
I believe in individual patient care to assess and determine the root cause of each patient's representative illness, and assist in eradicating this origin. Treatment could consist of any one or a combination of the therapies I am trained in, or you may also be referred to another health practitioner if that is what is needed to treat the root cause.