"In a society that worships the self, power is the coin of the realm, where power is to be found in asserting one's own will over others. Kindness and tolerance are to be despised as weakening the will to power. In power is to be found the definition of all truth, for it dictates all, and does not bend a knee to any reality but its own. We rise in our own esteem by crushing others. In rationalizing ourselves by dehumanizing others, we can become monsters. And some do." Jesse, 9 January 2015
"Once completely freed, the bankers very quickly ran their institutions off the cliff, taking much of the global economy with them. Not only did they create and sell a huge amount of junk, but they turned the financial system into a gigantic casino, one in which they played mainly with other people’s money. Both parties make a public show of how bitter their conflicts are, and how dangerous it would be for the other party to achieve power, while both prostitute themselves to the financial sector, powerful i
But they are happy about their rule-bending savings deposit bailouts and the retention of record tax cuts for the wealthy. And even sweeter, the powers-that-be are trying to recover from the Fed-induced bubble in financial assets by putting the screws to the public through stagnant wages and cutbacks in food and medical care for the poor and children.