- Jessica Payne Insurance

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While this program has very successful parameters, it is not a  cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all solution.  The details of your program are based on your specific needs. Why not give us a call? We can work out a program specifically for you. For information on how you can get out of debt while building wealth, Email: [email protected] or call: 562-357-4657

If we have learned anything from 2020 through 2021, it is that life is uncertain.   Many of us have had friends and family members (even ourselves) who have lost jobs during the pandemic. For many, this also meant losing employer sponsored health and life insurance. This leaves to many people wondering what will happen to their family in the future. Will my family have the resources they need to survive? Will they even have the money needed to pay for my funeral? As authorized agents with Senior Life, we ha

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