- Jewel Journal of Librarianship

Description: Jewel Journal of Librarianship, Article publication, Library Science, Library and Information Science, International Journal, Submit Manuscript, NLA Gombe Chapter

international journal (115) library science (12) library and information science (8) submit manuscript (6) article publication (3) (1) jewel journal of librarianship (1) nla gombe chapter (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Jewel Journal of Librarianship   is calling for submission of manuscript on empirical research es. All manuscripts are to be submitted directly via the journal website. An author needs to REGISTER and LOGIN before submitting a manuscript. To login, click here

Authors can request for print version of the published journals.  To make a request, click here   and login.

The Jewel Journal of Librarianship charges 5,000 (five thousand) naira for manuscript vetting; 15,000 (twenty thousand)  naira for article publication, and 7,000 (sevent thousand) naira for print version of a journal. The payment for vetting and publishing an artice are collected during publcation processes, the payment for print version of a journal is facilitated through filling an online form available after logging in.