Description: Site oficial de la academias de Taekwon-Do I.T.F del Valle del Cauca y el sur occidente Colombiano. Afiliadas a la Federación Internacional de Taekwon-DO y a la Asociación Colombiana de Taekwon-Do I.T.F
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Jhanu is a low code tool (in progress to be a no code tool) which allows you: "> Jhanu is a low code tool (in progress to be a no code tool) which allows you:
is not an online service (but it can be one) , so you are able to download it and install in your desktop or into your cloud server. With Jhanu, results are obtained quickly. Jhanu is in charge of making the necessary validations of the data types, manages the connection pools to the databases automatically and provides the necessary tools to have applications in a very short time. It is an ideal tool for technology departments with few resources for software development or that require a solution in a very
"> It is a web application which creates responsive web applications; no installation of programming IDEs is required. Its installation is independent of the operating system.