jiangjingyan.com - Jingyan Jiang's Homepage

Description: Jingyan Jiang is currently a senior researcher at Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

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I am an Assistant Professor in the college of big data and Internet at Shenzhen Technology University. Previously, I was a senior researcher at Sangfor SRI Lab , Shenzhen, where I worked on optimizing complex networked systems using optimization techniques and machine learning techniques. Also, I was a Postdoc at Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, and advised by Prof. Shutao Xia . Before that, I did my PhD and bachelor at school of CCST, Jilin University , where I was advised by Pr

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I'm leading the SINX (SecurIty and Network + X) Group, and looking for self-motivated students to work with me at SZTU. Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV.