Description: luxury bag supplier,sustainable handbag manufacturer,global recycling standard bags,reliable supply chain for luxury brands,high-quality bag craftsmanship
bags (2180) handbags (855) leather goods (171) leather bags (167) ecofriendly (112) leather products (55) fashion bags (23) sustainablefashion (8) luxurybags (4) custombags
$149.00 $130.00
Jie An (Dongguan) Handbag - As a well-established company specializing in the manufacturing and export of handbags, bags, wallets, small leather goods, and accessories, we have built a reputation for delivering high-quality products to premium brands across Europe and worldwide.Our factory is located in China's leather complex and is equipped with state-of-the-art modern machines and a skilled workforce. We pride ourselves on our precision full-fledged assembly line production, which ensures consistency and
At our company, we take pride in our roots. Our founder, Jimmy Zheng, spent 8 years at Sitoy Handbag HK factory, one of the top 3 leading handbag manufacturers in China. Drawing on his extensive knowledge and experience, he decided to start his own venture. In 2012, he created his own factory, and over time, we have grown to operate two factories. Our first factory specializes in leather goods and leather bags. We use only the finest materials and skilled craftsmanship to create high-quality products that a