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Example domain paragraphs

Data analytics produces transparency and clarity for numerous improvements, including better service level performance, better order fulfilment, improved supplier management, maximised customer value, lower costs and better product management. They are more likely to outperform competitors in key performance metrics including sales, sales growth, profit and return on investment.

Statistics plays a powerful role in Data Science. It is one of the most important disciplines to provide tools and methods to find structure in and to give deeper insight into data. It serves a great impact on data acquisition, exploration, analysis, validation, etc.

Data cleansing is a process in which you go through all of the data within a database and either remove or update information that is incomplete, incorrect, improperly formatted, duplicated, or irrelevant. It usually involves cleaning up data compiled in one area. For individuals, data cleansing is important because it ensures Data cleansing usually involves cleaning up data compiled in one area. In the case of an organisation, data cleansing is important because it improves your data quality and in doing s