jillschienle.com - Silver Jewelry | Madison | Wäkenspün Metalwerks

Description: Wäkenspün Metalwerks is a place to buy hand made art jewelry in sterling silver and gold. Each piece is crafted by the artist. This beautiful statement jewelry that can be worn now and bequeathed as legacy art for future generations.

earrings (1730) necklace (870) silver jewelry (288) artjewelry (7) statementjewelry (1)

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Daaadeee, I want it NOW!

Living in a world of 1 day delivery and text messages on cell phones, photo sharing, social media, instant news, personalized ads for exactly what I need and mountains of sources at my fingertips, the internet has made it possible for me to get what I want whenever I want it and it has made me grow accustomed to instant gratification. 

I am spoiled. Like Veruca.