jimbuchananprojects.uk - Jim Buchanan Projects | Labyrinth | Land Artist

Description: Onepage Parallax Site

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Born in Bristol in 1965, Jim spent most of his formative years on the Donegal coast of Ireland. His childhood play space was defined by how far he could walk or run, and then return home, in a day. This freedom of movement across wild landscape, dotted with pre-Christian archaeological spaces infuses his current work, and that of his major past-time, running.

Fascinated with both movement and stillness, Jim's work explores the spaces between these states, the liminal zones within which contradictions can exist. Jim is fascinated by our connection to the rhythm's and patterns of cultural time frames, the internal body clock and nature's seasonality. Within each artwork it is hoped to reveal moments of deeper understanding, of either special places or our personal journey.

Initially training as a landscape architect at Leeds Polytechnic (1983 to 1990), Jim later emerged out of private practise as a renowned labyrinth-maker and artist, working on exciting and ambitious installation and labyrinth projects.