jivatneet.github.io - Jivat Neet

Description: Research Fellow

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Hi! I am a Predoctoral Research Fellow at Microsoft Research (MSR), where I am working with Dr. Amit Sharma and Dr. Emre Kiciman . My research focuses on causal representation learning for Out-of-Distribution generalization. I am broadly interested in developing machine learning systems that are robust to data distribution shifts in real-world deployments.

I graduated from BITS Pilani, Pilani with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science in 2021. I was fortunate to pursue my undergraduate thesis at the MultiComp Lab in the Language Technologies Institute of Carnegie Mellon University , supervised by Prof. Louis-Philippe Morency and mentored by Paul Pu Liang and Yiding Jiang . My thesis was focused on multimodal reinforcement learning, specifically exploring how language grounding can assist in capturing affordance of objects and accelerate learning of autonomous agen

Prior to MSR, I was a research intern at Adobe’s Media and Data Science Research (MDSR) lab, working on knowledge enhancement of language models to make robust factual and commonsense reasoning-aware predictions. I have also had the good fortune of working with Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann at Language Technology Lab, Universität Hamburg on semantic parsing for knowledge graph question answering. In the past, I have interned as a software engineer at Microsoft and worked on computer vision problems at MapmyIndia

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