jkhelicoptertraining.com - JK Helicopter Training flight instructor.

Description: JK Helicopter Training flight instructor UK, Private Pilot’s licence PPL(H), 01242 252143 and 07900 680859 leading helicopter instructor covering Glos, Oxon, Avon, Worcs, Bath, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Hereford Type Rating Conversion, Night Rating, Commercial Flying Course, CPL(H).

bristol (2441) birmingham (2342) cardiff (978) avon (882) oxon (69) worcs (12) jk helicopter training flight instructor uk (1) 01242 252143 and 07900 680859 leading helicopter instructor cove (1) type rating conversion (1) private pilot’s licence ppl(h)

Example domain paragraphs

We will show you how to learn to fly a helicopter- we are CAA accredited with excellent helicopter training courses for private pilots, flight training, and night rating training.

Based at Staverton Gloucestershire Airport we have nearly 30 years expertise in helping pilots to pass their PPL(H), Type Rating, Night Rating, CPL(H) and have many happy people who can recommend us as " highly skilled, quality helicopter training instructors ".

We have several helicopters for gift pleasure flights where you can make a reservation for 30, 45 or 60 minutes. This will make an unforgettable experience as you will have the opportunity to fly in the hands of experts.

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