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This Blog was brought to you by the Traffic Ticket Lawyer San Antonio Gordon Slade 210-820-3033

An online form includes everything needed in order to process your ticket, represent you before the courts, and request a plea offer on your behalf. The form collects information regarding you, your ticket, and my representation of you. Filling out the form does not obligate you to hire me as your attorney. Instead, it simply gives me the information necessary to evaluate your case and present you with a quote for fees. Occasionally it will be necessary for you to fax or mail me a copy of your ticket and so

Confirmation email Within 24 hours, you will receive an email confirmation of your form submission. If I agree to take your case, the email will include a quote for fees related to the handling of your ticket. If you dont receive an email within 24 hours, it means I did not receive your information and you need to resend it. If, for whatever reason, it is later discovered that the charges against you are more complex than originally presented, I reserve the right to adjust the fee. I reserve the right to re

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