- Joan T. Warren – heart to heart in a shielded world

Description: How many years have you spent living under the negative influence of your past? Be they childhood traumas, neglect, or even negative consequences of your own choices, you don't have to spend another ten, twelve, or twenty years under their power. Dedicate 12 weeks to change the rest of your life. Learn more Occupational therapists…

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The first of many upcoming publications by yours truly is now up and published on Amazon!

Celebrate with me by comments on the post. Tell me if you like to journal and why. Tell me if you have experienced inner healing and how it worked for you. Tell me if you’re hurting and really need something like this. Just tell me what’s on your mind! I love hearing from you. Some of you have been following me for nearly ten years! I’d love to hear from you.

You might be surprised that you swallowed lies (false beliefs) about yourself before you were even old enough to process your emotions. Maybe someone in your life said negative, hurtful things about you that you heard so many times you believed them. Is it too late to change all of that brain wiring?