- 黃大仙的雲端修行室

Description: 雲端架構師,年輕的軀殼裝著老靈魂,喜歡配著音樂閱讀,生活不能沒有思考和遊蕩 | Young body with sentimental and old soul. Can’t live without reading and music, and believe that life is full of thinking and warding.

storage (5010) trainer (2975) vmware (533) gcp (254) sds (192) hybrid-cloud (118)

Example domain paragraphs

Where you Spent time where the Success Is | 時間花在那裡,成就就在那裡

雲端架構師,年輕的軀殼裝著老靈魂,喜歡配著音樂閱讀,生活不能沒有思考和遊蕩 | Young body with sentimental and old soul. Can’t live without reading and music, and believe that life is full of thinking and warding.