- joekiller | the musings of Joe Lawson

Description: the musings of Joe Lawson

Example domain paragraphs

This article outlines the steps taken to sniff and review SSL traffic of a NodeJS application I was working with. It covers setting up the intercept using Charles Proxy. Links for alternative means are included as well. The approach is similar for any proxy tool. The reason I outlined this is to give an overview for TF2Autobot specifically and to remind others that Node doesn’t support proxy out of the box for its native http and https calls using environment variables. I was searching for NODE_DEBUG=’https

To setup the proxy, I used a tip I learned when I was inflicted with Netskope and they have a nice article about how to how to make development tools work with SSL interception . They have instructions for integration MITM network security with Node.JS and other tools like AWS CLI. NodeJS they mention the following which is helpful because this is how you can easily add a Debug Proxy to your NodeJS process. In my case, I’m debugging TF2Autobot trying to get an understanding of how it is working with the bac

export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=[your CA certificate file path]

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