- Joel Järventausta – Composer

Description: Spending his childhood in Luxembourg and Germany, Finnish composer Joel Järventausta (b. 1995) completed his studies in the United Kingdom, and was recently awarded a PhD in Composition from King's College London, where he studied with Sir George Benjamin and Prof. Silvina Milstein, supported by the Arts & Humanities Scholarship. Based back in Finland, Joel…

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The young Finn, in his mid-twenties, is clearly a composer who knows how to turn colour into sound.

Joel Järventausta (b. 1995) is a Finnish composer based in Finland and the United Kingdom. He has recently submitted his PhD in Composition at King’s College London, where he studied with Sir Prof. George Benjamin and Prof. Silvina Milstein , supported by the Arts & Humanities Scholarship. Joel is currently writing an orchestral work Bacchanale , commissioned by Orchestre national d’Île de France to celebrate the orchestra’s 50th anniversary, as well as a chamber opera with more details to be announced late

In February 2019, Joel received 1st Prize in the 7th Edition of Île de Créations Composition Competition, with his piece Ripped Tapestry, which was subsequently performed several times by Orchestre national d’Île de France , conducted by Antony Hermus , including at Philharmonie de Paris . Following this, a 30-minute Composer Portrait of Joel was broadcast on France Musique . Ripped Tapestry received its Finnish premiere by Jyväskylä Sinfonia , conducted by Ruut Kiiski in September 2021. 2018 saw the premie