- Acupuncture in Davis CA | Johanna Utter | Traditional Chinese Medicine

Description: Johanna Utter, L.Ac., FABORM offers effective acupuncture treatment in Davis, CA. Acupuncture can treat many conditions including fertility, pregnancy, menopause, back pain, neck pain, and arthritis. Acupuncture can help relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. Acupuncture can also assist in fertility and pregnancy. Acupuncturist LOCATION, 95616 - Welcome

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Photo by Susan Miller

My office provides a quiet, calm space dedicated to gentle, supportive healthcare for people who want personalized treatment with a focus on healing all parts of themselves - body, mind, emotions, and spirit. 

My practice is deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, a form of holistic medicine comprised of acupuncture , dietary and herbal therapy , moxibustion, cupping , breathing exercises, and massage. Utilizing my training in spiritual direction , I also facilitate personal and spiritual exploration for those who seek it.