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Description: Hello! My name is John and welcome to my website!

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Your browser does not support JavaScript! You are going to miss out on an awful lot of content on this website. I load quite a large amount of content through AJAX and other JavaScript-based web technologies. I really strongly suggest that you enable Javascript, or if you cannot, instead you upgrade or change your browser because right now, I am sorry to say that you are really missing out. If this is how you want to use this site, I can't stop you, but I propose that you reconsider.

I have created this website from scratch. Its purpose mainly is to host a series of small projects and provide information about me regarding who I am and what I do. Additionally, I've tried my best to create great digital experiences, even if in 99% of cases they're just for me to play around with.

I have used resources like fonts and Javascript libraries and other useful things. Therefore, if you see a photo you like, or have an interest in this site & how I've made it or in web development in general, I strongly recommend you check out my acknowledgements page . Similarly, if you want to find out more about me, you should read more on my about me page. You may have further questions and so if you want to ask them I would point you towards my contact page which I will update whenever where I am onlin