- John Hundley Greer

Description: Paintings, Collages, Drawings, Prints, illustrations by John Hundley Greer

paintings (7056) drawings (2134) illustrations (1708) john (1195) black and white (1011) collages (239) greer (104) woodcuts (60) linocuts (37) hundley (2)

Example domain paragraphs

 Artist John Hundley Gree r maneuvers betwee n abstraction and representation, color and black and white, and pattern and the depiction of light and space. Drawing from his history of exploring both landscape and geometric abstraction, his recent paintings and drawings are often presented in a series that depicts the same scene at different times of day, creating introspective and keenly observed pictures that document a life illuminated by the changing light and seasons. Exploring the interplay between th

All images copyright John Hundley Greer, 2023.

 Artist John Hundley Greer's work explores abstraction and representation, color and black and white, and pattern and the depiction of light and space. Drawing from his history of exploring both landscape and geometric abstraction, his recent paintings and drawings are often presented in a series that depicts the same scene at different times of day, creating introspective and keenly observed pictures that document a life illuminated by the changing light and seasons. Exploring the interplay between the na