- Mutual Funds | Johnson Investment Counsel

Description: Through Johnson Mutual Funds, we offer five publicly available mutual funds that provide immediate diversification and professional management for accounts with a minimum investment of $2,000 ($500 for an Education Savings Account).

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We serve as advisor for the Johnson Mutual Funds, which offers five publicly available mutual funds that provide immediate diversification and professional management for accounts with a minimum investment of $2,000 ($500 for an Education Savings Account). Our funds are 100% no-load, with no redemption, sales charge, or exchange fees.

Check Current Prices on Our Mutual Funds View Daily Prices Retail Mutual Funds JMUNX Johnson Municipal Income Fund The objective of the Municipal Income Fund is a high level of federally tax-free income over the long term, consistent with preservation of capital. The Fund invests primarily in Ohio investment-grade municipal fixed income securities.

JFINX Johnson Fixed Income Fund The objective of the Fixed Income Fund is a high level of income over the long term, consistent with preservation of capital. The Fund invests primarily in intermediate-term investment-grade fixed income securities, including government and corporate bonds.