- Jo Hook – Military Historian & Battlefield Guide – Military Historian and Battlefield Guide

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Ypres - Gallipoli - Somme - Fromelles - Bullecourt - Villers-Bretonneux - Hindenburg line - Dunkirk - Battle of Britain - Baedeker Raids - Bombing Campaign - Normandy - Battle of Arnhem

From the opening shots at Mons to the closing stages of the Great War join me on the WW1 battlefields. My expertise covers the British participation in the First World War and the events in which the Australian Imperial Force participated on the Western Front and at Gallipoli.

From the Battle of France and the miracle of Dunkirk in 1940, via the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, to the beaches of Normandy and the ill-fated Battle at Arnhem in 1944. Join me at key locations where Britain and her Allies fought against Nazi Germany between 1939 and 1945.

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