- Jones Day Reach |

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The Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (“REACH”) (EU Regulation 1907/2006) regulates the manufacturing, import, and use of chemicals in the European Union.

REACH requires that all chemicals manufactured in the EU or imported into the EU at one metric ton or above annually per legal entity are jointly registered by their respective manufacturers/importers, unless an exemption for registration is provided for in REACH. New chemical substances must be registered immediately. For existing substances, staggered deadlines for registration apply provided that manufacturers/importers pre-registered those substances within six months of first manufacture, import, or us

As REACH requires joint registration by all manufacturers/importers of the same substance, industry groups were built (consortia) that worked together to coordinate the joint registration dossiers. This website is a platform whereby Jones Day, on account of the REACH consortia it manages, makes Letters of Access (LoA) available to other potential registrants of the same substance, so that other manufacturers/importers can join the registrations previously submitted to ECHA.

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