- Problems of Social Hygiene, Public Health and History of Medicine

Description: Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины | Научный рецензируемый медицинский журнал

здравоохранение (92) гигиена (49) эпидемиология (9) социальная гигиена (3) история медицины (1)

Example domain paragraphs

- to develop the human potential of the Russian science, to combine the efforts of various categories of researchers, pedagogical and scientific intelligentsia, to create and support a single space for scientific communication in the fields of fundamental and applied science in medicine and healthcare, to create conditions for openness and accessibility of the latest scientific achievements to practical workers, students, teachers and everyone who is involved in the development of the Russian and foreign he

The journal is intended to familiarize the Russian and foreign scientific and scientific-pedagogical community, as well as doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates, practicing specialists and other interested people with new scientific results that are significant in various fields of fundamental and applied science.

The purpose of the journal is to popularize and disseminate relevant and advanced knowledge in the development of healthcare and medicine to a wide range of interested citizens.

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