IJDR is a Peer-Reviewed Journal and valid as per New UGC Gazette regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges (Date:18/07/2018) View More Detail
Refereed journal (Peer Reviewed Journal); Openly Access; Widely Indexed; Multidisciplinary; Scholarly / Academic, International Journal; CrossRef DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is alloted to all publisherd pa pers; Indexed by Google Scholar and many other research databases
International Journal of Development Research (IJDR) publishes research paper in the field of Accounting, Marketing, Management, Finance, Banking, Economics, Human Resources Management, International Business, Hotel and tourism, Entrepreneurship Development, Industrial Relations, Business ethics, International Relations, Population Studies, Development Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Journalism and mass communication, Cross-culture studies, Music, Anthropology, Linguistics, E