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We’re so flattered you asked! JowDOW is The World's First and Only SWAP MEET SEARCH ENGINE , designed specifically to help you find what you’re looking for at shopping venues where the inventory is unpredictable, like a Swap Meet, Craft Fair or Gun Show. Just enter keywords in the search bar and you instantly know which vendors to visit.

Let’s say you’re a car guy and you need to attend the big swap meet this coming weekend to look for those obsolete parts you’ll need. But, you’ve been there before. You know you’ll probably end up walking 10 miles and you’ll probably have to attend all three days to see every booth. You arrive early, but at the end of 3 days (and 12 miles of walking), you realize that you: 1- Spent more money than you budgeted,

2- Got a good deal on sandpaper and a poster of James Dean,