Description: JPARA, Jacks Peak Amateur Radio Association
ham radio (1241) amateur radio (1029) jpara (1) cactus inter-tie (1) new mexico radio club (1)
Jacks Peak Amateur Radio Association (JPARA) is an amateur "ham" radio organization. We are an affiliate of the Cactus Intertie System . The club owns and operates an extensive network of linked radios, and remote base stations, most of which are located high on mountain tops. Traditional UHF full duplex, Microwave and ROIP (Radio Over Internet Protocol) links are used to link the system.
Our Backbone sites are more that just repeaters. They are actually "REMOTE BASE" stations. They are connected to a very complex controller, usually either a Palomar or Sierra Control Systems device. Unlike some of the other systems where the links are hard connected, our link are totally controllable. By FCC rule, the Remote base designation requires that every operator has to be a control operator of the system. This takes a fair amount of training, and because of this our system is considered a "MEMBERS O
The club is comprised of members from throughout the state of New Mexico and far West Texas. Members come from a variety of backgrounds, some directly related to the radio field, and some not. There is a wealth of technical information available for the asking, or just a "good afternoon".