json-healthcare.org - JSON Healthcare Formats

Description: JSON Formats, Standards & Schemes for Healthcare

Example domain paragraphs

JSON or Javascript Object Notation, is a data format that has taken the web by storm. JSON is essentially a simpler, more compact and more easily readable XML which is the serialization format for javascript objects, so it works with both server and client side software.

We have developed relatively simple schemas for healthcare formats such as history and physical documents, radiology reports, operative reports etc. These leverage JSON formats used in healthcare namely FHIR.

In distinction to the HL7 standards , which represent the information in healthcare systems, these formats are intended to be simplified versions which represent the information used by healthcaare practitioners, yet including identifiers which can allow healthcare systems to obtain the full context from these simplified documents. For example a "rx" or presectiption needs to contain the patient's name and identifiers such as birthdate, and id as well as codes needed to definitively identify the prescribed

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