judyperryart.com - Judy Perry Pastel Watercolor Artist - Old Saybrook, CT

Description: Judy Pery is Judy is a pastel and watercolor artist who enjoys the shore, nature, and their abundant colors. Her award winning paintings and portraits from the shoreline of Connecticut and Cape Cod are amazing and unique.

art (56666) ct (3053) watercolor (1962) madison (1326) pastel (762) cape cod (751) nantucket (154) lyme (140) old lyme (23) saybrook (4)

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"Working with pastel and watercolor in a painterly style, I am interested in interpreting the abundant colors and healing properties I experience in nature along the New England coastline. I strive to make an emotional connection through my work by tapping into a thought, feeling or memory that moves the viewer. Living next to a salt marsh I am fortunate enough to experience it's ever changing forms and colors throughout the seasons that provide me with an endless source of inspiration. I began painting pro

An award winning artist working in pastel and watercolor Judy is inspired by the ocean, nature, and the abundant colors found along the shoreline of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Cape Cod.

Links to judyperryart.com (1)