julianstarfest.com - Julian Starfest

Description: Welcome to Julian StarFest, an amateur astronomer's event in the historic mountain mining town of Julian California

san diego (3440) astronomy (1165) julian (151) astronomer (38) star party (23) amateur astronomer (9) starfest (3) wynola (2) san diego astronomy association (1) sdaa (1)

Example domain paragraphs

• Free public star party on Saturday night, August 12 • Camping availability for tent and RV campers from August 11 and 12 • Exhibits by major telescope and accessory vendors • Food and beverage vendors • Astronomy games and crafts for kids • Raffle for donated astronomy equipment on Saturday • Optional behind the scenes tour of the world-famous Mount Laguna Observatory on Saturday

An optional behind the scenes tour of the world-famous Mount Laguna Observatory is also available to a limited number of people.

In addition to the huge public outreach, all proceeds from the event are used to help fund the San Diego Astronomy Association’s ongoing community educational efforts.

Links to julianstarfest.com (1)